The Teknetics Tek-Point

If you have been metal detecting without a handheld pin-pointer, you probably have a pretty good grasp of what frustration feels like.  Trying to find a dirt encrusted coin that is the same color as the dirt in your plug, can be a maddening experience for rookies and veterans alike.   


Dig a plug - sweep the coil - dig some more - sweep some more - dig even more - sweep even more.  Rinse-and-repeat until you are ready to wrap your detector around a tree.  


It does not take a genius to realize that the faster you recover a target, the more treasure you are putting in your pouch.  It would probably be a safe bet to say using a pinpointer can decrease target recovery time by a factor of 3 to 4.  


Good thing for you, as there is a brand new pinpointer in town ready to cut those recovery times down dramatically.

The Teknetics Tek-Point.  The new King of the Hill when it comes to pin-pointers.


Let's get “Teky” (pun intended) and take a look at some of the specifications:


  • The Tek-Point uses PI (pulse induction) technology that bombards the target with 2500 pulses per second with a 15us (microsecond) sample delay.  That low sample delay means very small low and mid-conductor objects (GOLD) can be found with ease.  Don’t worry you silver hounds, high-conductors (SILVER) are a breeze as well.
  • 3 sensitivity levels of Low - Medium - High.  Medium being default.  On the highest setting, my Tek-Point had a ridiculous range of 3.75 inches on a nickel and 3.25 inches on a silver quarter.  Like I said - it LOVES mid range conductors like gold - and EASILY beats those bright orange pin-pointers in performance.  
  • Being pulse-induction based - the Tek-Point is stable as a rock in salt-water and higher mineralization soils.  Are you listening beach hunters and gold prospectors?  Here is your dream pin-pointer.  No more falsing like those VLF pointers.  No more depth reduction in crazy soils full of salt and iron.  No more struggling to find the targets on the first dig.
  • Salt water you say?  Absolutely!  It is waterproof to 10ft via an IP68 rating, meaning you can reach those gold rings in the surf no problem.
  • Vulcanized rubber grip and lanyard attachment helps it stay within your grasp.  A belt holster to keep it on your hip. We all know accidents can happen however.  Ever leave you pin-pointer behind to never find it again?  The Tek-Point has a lost alarm feature that will make locating it a breeze.  
  • Speaking of breezes, bad weather is no issue here.  Operating temperatures range from -15C to 70C.  That’s 5F to 158F for you Fahrenheit guys.
  • What about the target feedback?  Do you like to FEEL your targets or HEAR them?  The Tek-Point has you covered.  It can switch from an audio only mode - to vibrate only - or a combination of both.
  • How about a LED light that can vary in brightness?  Done deal.  The Tek-Point has a LED that can ratchet from dim to bright in 20 different levels.  Enabling you to retrieve those targets no matter how dark the hole gets at the bottom.   All of this, including power on and off, is controlled with a single push-button setup that is intuitive and easy to control.
  • Battery life is fantastic with 2X AA batteries.  Alkaline will get you 25 hours - while NiMH is an estimated 15 hours.  Want to push it further?  A good pair of Lithium AA’s will give an estimated 50 hours.
  • Speaking of longevity.  The Tek-Point is molded from abrasion resistant materials that are several times more resistant than the competition.  No more covers and plastic dips needed.  This pin-pointer is made to last. Teknetics built it right the first time!

The Teknetics Tek-Point.  Order direct at or contact your local dealer.