Top Three Metal Detectors For Kids

There is no denying the fact that we live in an advanced technological age.  From smart cars to smartphones, just about everything has a micro-processor or computer chip ready to make our lives easier. Want to file a stack of paperwork that would take weeks or months in the past?  It now takes a matter of hours with the latest computer database.   How about a pocket full of Dimes in case you need to pull over to make a phone call?   Forget that nonsense! We now have cell phones that double as computers right in the palm of our hand.


There is no denying the fact that having technology in our lives can be a wonderful thing.  Just ask anybody who has had their life saved by modern medicine.  Not a single one will say they wish they had a doctor with 1800’s technology performing the diagnosis and procedure.  Just ask anybody who has been stranded on the side of the road.  Nobody will say they would rather walk 10 miles to the nearest payphone instead of using the cell phone in their pocket.  


However, like most things in life, there is always the other side of the coin.  



Take one look at some of the youth in today's world.  Noses buried in a tablet or video game for hours on end.  Dinner conversation passed up for a chat on social media.  It might as well be a pirate mutiny if you have them go without electronics for a weekend camping trip.  There is no denying the fact that today’s youth are spending less time outdoors in nature - less time conversing with friends and family - less time learning how to complete a task hands-on.   They live in a “let me Google that” world that is teaching them less about life skills and more about instant gratification.  We can absolutely blame technology for that.  


As a parent, we can also blame ourselves.  We need to show them that being outdoors can be fun again.  We need to teach them with hands-on learning experiences.  We need to have meaningful conversations about the days events.  The best part about it?  We can do those things without causing a panic attack by taking away technology completely.   


How so you ask?  With metal detecting of course!  (This is a metal detecting blog after all.)


With metal detecting, they have the opportunity to learn about history with each and every object they dig.  They can have awesome conversations with other enthusiasts of the hobby.  They will be outdoors getting fresh air and sunlight.  They can even use Google to search the “who, what, when, where, how” of each amazing relic and old coin found.  Conversations can be had - bonds can be formed - technology is still in play. It is a win-win for everybody!


So without further moral whipping - let’s take a look at some modern technology that will keep the children and pre-teens happy.  These are what I consider to be the top 3 metal detectors for youth to enjoy the hobby with.  


Bounty Hunter Junior TID

This is for the smaller kids in your life.  Since they most likely love everything emoji related, this detector is sure to be a home run.  The Bounty Hunter TID lets you know the type of target underneath the coil with 3X emoji faces accompanied by three tone audio.  It runs on 2X AA batteries and is very light weight so their little arms don’t tire out.  It also has a depth meter and low battery warning on the LCD screen.


The sad face will pop up on the display when you come across an iron target.  It shows the child that the target is very well likely to be something not worth keeping. It will be accompanied by a low tone as well.  


The quizzical “who knows” face has a question mark by it and let’s the child know that there may be something good - or bad.  Since gold and nickels fall into this range along with pull tabs and foil - it is honest by saying it just doesn’t know.  There is a mid pitch tone to go along with the emoji.


The happy face pops up for the higher conductor objects like dimes, quarters, and silver rings.  It tells the child “dig me” with a high tone to accompany it.


Bounty Hunter Gold Digger

If your child is just a bit too old for emoji faces and can handle a slightly larger detector - the Bounty Hunter Gold digger is a fantastic detector.  The two dial operation is a breeze to setup and learn.  The left dial controls the sensitivity and the right dial controls the trash discrimination.


Hitting depths to about 5 inches with fantastic recovery speed and separation, the Gold Digger gets the job done as well as some adult detectors do.  It runs off 2X 9v batteries and has a 7 inch coil that is waterproof.


The Teknetics Digitek

This is for the teen or pre-teen in your life.  This detector is one your child will never outgrow.  


1-99 target ID - 3 tone audio - notch capability - volume control - depth meter - pinpoint button - colorful face plate - single 9V battery. 


This detector is an adult detector with a shorter lower rod for kids.  Simple as that.  It is a true 7.7khz powerhouse that is based on tried and proven “Greek Series” technology.  My son has a Digitek and could not be happier with his detector.  He never feels like he is being out-hunted by mom and dad and brings home the goods to prove it.


With these 3 choices at hand, you can rest assured your child will learn to love the outdoors again.  They will do what all kids secretly love to do - dig in the dirt. They will also learn something new on each outing with the history they bring back to life. To be honest, you may have trouble getting them back indoors again!


Hope you enjoy this blog.  TheHunterGT signing off - I will see you - on the next blog.