Metal Detecting Finds from Teknetics Customers

Our customers have unearthed some incredible finds with a wide range of our metal detectors. These treasures include Civil War and Roman era relics, big spills, gold coins, buttons, rings, and many more. We love receiving these stories and hope to continue growing the Teknetics metal detecting community with more valuable finds! Check out the user submitted stories and YouTube videos below.

HH, Omega 8000

Teknetics Omega 8000 finds treasure

I've been detecting since I retired, back in 2000, and use a number of detectors including First Texas products. Attached are photos of a few of my recent finds, dug in November 2013, using my Omega 8000, using the stock elliptical searchcoil.

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David L., Delta 4000

Mace Head found with Teknetics Delta 4000

Found with a DELTA 4000 one hour west of Paris, a XIII-XIV century MACE HEAD, 99% are made of IRON, the bronze ones are uncommon, more of an oriental kind. IT'S AN AMAZING FIND!! Much more valuable than any hoard!

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Ted Farrier, T2 SE

Teknetics T2 SE finds treasure

I have to say the T2 SE is the best detector for deep silver hits. Hands Down! That being said I have used other detectors and in fact still use another as well. I am not writing this to bash any other company but to praise one that has a very good detector.

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Russ Balbirona, T2 SE

Russ Balbirona finds treasure with T2 SE by Teknetics

Was on only my second hunt ever with the T2 SE in a park in Nevada and found this pocket spill of (1) 1919 Walking Liberty Halve, (1) 1942 Walking Liberty Halve, (1) 1941 silver quarter, (1) Mercury dime and (1) 1939 nickel. Another gentlemen had been swinging this area before me, but you know the old saying "If you miss it by an inch, you've missed it by a mile".

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Paul Williams, T2

Teknetics T2 user Paul Williams finds gold

I live in the United Kingdom and love finding gold! I’ve been using the Teknetics® T2 Special Edition for 18 months now and apart from a load of other finds, I have found about 40 rings - not all gold but the majority are.

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Tim Mathew, T2 Limited Edition

Finds by Tim Mathew with T2 Limited Edition Metal Detector

Made a trip to a colonial farm field in Connecticut in mid April and didn't take long to clean up what my other detector could not reach in depth. This silver knee buckle was one of my finds from the hunt. I walked this particular field at least 50 times with another brand detector.

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Greg, T2 SE

Metal detector finds with Teknetics T2 SE by Greg

Just thought I'd share a recent find with my Teknetics® T2 SE... I consider this my "Find of a Lifetime"...15 years of serious digging, this is the most historical item I've ever recovered. 1847 Charleston Slave Tag - Occupation: Porter

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Steven Cruise, T2 SE

Steven Cruise finds with T2 SE by Teknetics

Recently, I upgraded my detector to a Teknetics® T2 SE. My first two hunts have made me a believer in this machine. My very first find with the T2 was the fragment from a Confederate cannonball. The second hunt produced some mini balls along with a U.S. Rosette. This detector has been great and is a true relic machine!

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