Metal Detecting Finds from Teknetics Customers

Our customers have unearthed some incredible finds with a wide range of our metal detectors. These treasures include Civil War and Roman era relics, big spills, gold coins, buttons, rings, and many more. We love receiving these stories and hope to continue growing the Teknetics metal detecting community with more valuable finds! Check out the user submitted stories and YouTube videos below.

Clive Rawle, T2 SE

Gold quarter noble find by Clive Rawle

I recently found this Richard 11 gold quarter noble, Circa 1377-1399,  with my fantastic T2 SE. The T2 has been serving me well and had a good year with finds from Roman to Medieval to Modern.

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Clay Daley, T2 Ltd

Find by Clay Daley

There is spot that I have been hunting for the last 3-years. It’s produced some mighty fine relics including confederate buttons, bullets, sword pieces and coins, to name a few. The site is littered with iron and every hole is loaded with brick and pottery.

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Bob Cox, Pittsburgh

This was the second time hinting a friend’s backyard; It used to be part of a farm. Haven't found anything notable in the past but that was also using another brand detector. I purchased a Eurotek Pro a few weeks ago and I am loving it!

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